Thursday, September 19, 2019


 I  heard  gunshots  and rockets  launching.

I  saw  people  running from  the war.

I  saw   people  charging   with their  knives and then  they died.

I felt   sad.  

 i   wondered  if they are  ok.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


i  made a slide about me.   Making My Slide Was Easy.  Nothing was hard.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


8. Reading Response

Write your name here:    Ashdyn

  1. What is the name of the text that your read? The halloween house

  1. Who is the author of the text? Calor moore

  1. Where is the story set? At the halloween house

  1. Name 2 characters from the text? Suzie and teddy

  1. Tell me 1 thing that you liked about the story? When teddy allways smiled

If you could change 1 thing about the story, what would it be?
I would change the house and make it more scary.